The 6th International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability (INSTR) .
6th International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability
-The Value of Reliability, Robustness and Resilience-
The draft detailed programme is available here: [pdf]
We have arranged a post conference technical tour on August 4th. This tour will include visits to "Nara Driveway", the Traffic Control Centre of Hanshin Expressway in Osaka and The Earthquake Museum of Hanshin Expressway. After these visits, the bus will further stop in Kobe, so that those who want to participate in ISTTT can bring their luggage and leave the tour in Kobe. The bus will return to Nara. There are limited places and interested persons should contact the conference secretary. We need to confirm the size of the bus and therefore an email to us before July 15 would be appreciated. Depending on number of participants we might ask for a contribution between Yen 3000-5000 from participants.
TEL. +81-75-383-3235
FAX. +81-75-383-3236